Wednesday, 21 September 2011

taking risks.

Contrary to what you may (or may not) think, I wasn't born adventurous and open to risk-taking.
For a good part of my life, I clung on dearly to what I had known, found comfort and sought solace in what/who/where was familiar to me, not thinking for even a moment that I should venture or leave. I was timid, risk-averse, and conservative.

Strangely, not for any particular reason or life-changing event (perhaps i just grew up), I started to become more open-minded and adventurous in adolescence. It's a funny thing, because the way i look at it, the risk-taking nature in human beings follows a rather peculiar shape/graph-

It is close to zero in infancy, it peaks in childhood/adolescence, and then falls back to a blur/blah during adulthood, and perhaps for some people, peaks again in old age. It it when we have our parents to comfort and egg us on, and when we become all old and crinkly with nothing else left on our minds, that we finally find the courage/foolishness inside us at it's strongest? Because if you ask me, it's rather counter-intuitive that adults are risk-averse, which is actually the case for most people.

Perhaps the success or lessons learnt from youthful folly serve as reminders not to step into unventured realms again?!

In that case perhaps I hadn't taken enough risks when I was younger-
that explains why I perceive things/people/the world this way now?

It's really hard to explain why or convince others,
but in a nutshell I just think that life is short,

and you haven't lived if you haven't tried everything.

(well almost everything. I'm not that greedy)

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