Thursday 21 April 2011


i have been waiting for this day all week.
(in full knowledge that the week after when i come back work will be #$%^&$@!~@#$%(&.)

oh never mind.
i'll survive.
'the girl that you never managed to get is always the prettiest'


Belle brought up the topic of the most recent conversation she had with US guy and it all kind of snowballed into something bigger when WH gave his input on how she should have reacted/how he would have done things differently if he were US guy. all this talk about pursuit, and 'the hunt', with belle and WH over latte on a random weekday night really got me a bit frazzled.

If you think in a certain way, if you care about a person in a certain way, if a person matters to you in a certain way, why should you conceal/mask it because it's more 'advantageous' to you?

is it because people always appreciate things that are harder to get?
is it because people always prefer to be on the receiving end?
is it because people can't be honest with themselves?
is it shameful/embarrasing to like someone?
is it embarrasing to admit to like someone?
is it behaviour deemed too risky?



i guess that's why i'm obviously not a guy.
W: insatiable.
N: what?
W: it says on your shirt 'insatiable'.
So are you insatiable?
N: My shirt says 'insatiable' doesn't mean i'm insatiable.
W: true.
N: My shirt is insatiable.
N: My shirt is insatiable; it cannot get enough of me.
W: ... ...

another one of those random conversations.
no, i don't know you, not at all.

not beyond what you let me, anyway.

i never (ever) think i know someone,
because the truth is,
unless they let you (know them)

you never (really) do.

so perhaps (you think) i think i know you.
but i don't know you,
not beyond what you let me to.

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